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BInvestigation into Mass Stranding of Over 100 Pilot Whales in Somalia.
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Killer whale sightings – last call for contributions
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First record of South African Bryde’s whale feeding on plankton
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NeMMO survey : Walvis Bay to Mauritius Aboard the M/V Hebridean Sky
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Humpback whale counts from shore in Mozambique and Reunion
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Synchronised Whale Watching Day 2024
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Humpback whale population initiatives: HappyWhale & SORP
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New interactive maps on the Indocet website !
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Humpback whale tagging in Tanzania
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Maevatiana’s PhD on humpback whale mother-calf interaction: Whale Done!
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Disentanglement training
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“Network of Marine Mammal Observers” (NeMMO)
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Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin Conservation Network – HuDoNet
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#WhereAre the Whales_2023 ? A regional synchronised whale-counting day
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Happy Whale – Assessing humpback whale connectivity from photo-identification data
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New study published on bottlenose dolphins in an Important Marine Mammal Area off Pemba Island, Tanzania
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Seychelles cetacean research program
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Beaked whales in the western tropical Indian Ocean: a review of available information
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MPhil/PhD study on the assessment of the ecosystem services and conservation management of the local sperm whale population off Mauritius
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Humpback whale tagging in Reunion Island
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Southern right whale tagging in South Africa
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#where are the whales?
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IndoCet meeting in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
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Report your strandings and other news
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Update on the four tagged southern right whales
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Cetacean observations during the RESILIENCE cruise aboard the RV Marion Dufresne (19 April – 22 May 2022)
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Whales of Mauritius
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Protecting blue corridors
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Ecotoxicology study in Mozambique
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Where are the whales – Season 2021 ?
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Opportunistic large-scale surveys in the south-west Indian Ocean
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Satellite tag program to follow southern right whales along their migration
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PhD study on the ecology of tropical killer whales in the Southwest Indian Ocean
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Sperm whales satellite tracking in Mauritius
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Strandings of True’s beaked whale in Mozambique and their destiny as marine bushmeat
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Humpback whale monitoring in Zavora, Mozambique
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DéCLIC: development of an acoustic classifier for odontocetes and eDNA
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First acoustic monitoring in Kenya
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New research project on cetaceans in the Seychelles
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Mapping whales at the Saya de Malha Bank
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New Population of Blue Whales Discovered in the Western Indian Ocean
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Mass stranding of Spinner dolphins South of Mozambique, Feb. 2021
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Update on the IndoCet stranding paper
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Stranding event in Mauritius, Aug/Sept. 2020 – a summary
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Passive acoustic monitoring with COMBAVA
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Marine Mammal Protected Area Task Force website
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Flukebook in progress
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Where are the Whales – 2020 Edition
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Acoustic monitoring
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Humpback whale satellite tracking
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IndoCet Strandings Groups
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Where were the humpback whales in 2019 ?
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Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs)
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World Marine Mammal Conference – December 2019, Barcelona
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