The Indian Ocean Cetacean Consortium (IndoCet) aims to boost scientific exchanges, pursue research on the biology of cetaceans in the southwest Indian Ocean and promote their conservation.
The geographical scope of IndoCet extends from the northern limit of the Horn of Africa to the southern limit of the Indian Ocean sanctuary. Its western border is the southernmost tip of Africa.
The Indian Ocean Cetacean Consortium (IndoCet) aims to dynamize the scientific exchanges, continue the research about cetaceans’ biology in the South-West Indian Ocean and promote its conservation.
Relying on the expertise and the professional and geographic diversity of its members, the IndoCet Consortium:
– supports collaborative research programs,
– improves knowledge sharing and scientific protocol harmonization
– advises SWIO range States for cetacean conservation and anthropogenic impact mitigation,
– provides training for biologists and conservationists,
– fosters the development of citizen science,
– promotes the development of professional codes of conduct and research ethic guidelines.
Download our Memorandum of Understanding.