Report your strandings and other news
The IndoCet website has been recently improved to include a “report a stranding” page that can be used to collate information on stranding events in the region. The historical (2000-2020) stranding data used in the manuscript “Spatio-temporal trends in cetacean strandings and response in the south-western Indian Ocean,” submitted to the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management earlier this year, will be imported into the table once the manuscript is published. We encourage IndoCet members to report new (2021-onwards) cetacean strandings online, here (you need to be logged in), and to contribute to the regional reporting effort. Thanks!
Please make sure to update your publications and metadata as well !
We are planning to organise an IndoCet meeting during the WIOMSA Symposium, that will be taking place in Port-Elisabeth, South-Africa on the 10-15th October 2022. An application for a special session, to be held on Oct. 14 has been submitted. We will keep you updated.