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Here you will find  publications written by Consortium members. Access to the complete information is reserved to the members of the Consortium.

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Here you will find an overview of publications written by Consortium members.

Title CitationReferenceYearType of publicationCorresponding AuthorContact EmailJournalKeywords
Case study: Evidence of long-term stability in a stereotyped whistle in a single free-ranging humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) found in sympatry (Tursiops aduncus) Citation S. Dines, R. Probert, A. Gullan, S. Elwen, G. Frainer, T. Gridley; Case study: Evidence of long-term stability in a stereotyped whistle in a single free-ranging humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) found in sympatry (Tursiops aduncus). JASA Express Lett. 1 December 2024; 4 (12): 121201. 2024Peer-reviewed journalR. Probert, A. Gullan, S. Elwen, G. Frainer, T. GridleyR. Probert, A. Gullan, S. Elwen, G. Frainer, T. Gridley
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First documented observation of feeding behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in its breeding range off the southern coast of Tanzania Ekaterina Kalashnikova, Davis G. Orio & Aylin Akkaya (16 Jan 2025): First documented observation of feeding behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in its breeding range off the southern coast of Tanzania, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, DOI:10.1080/03949370.2024.24373532025Peer-reviewed journalEkaterina KalashnikovaEkaterina Kalashnikova
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To move or not? Tourist's perceptions and management considerations of a beached whale carcass in a South African national park and marine protected area. MKS Smith, GS Penry & MM Mokhatla (2024) To move or not? Tourists’ perceptions and management considerations of a beached whale carcass in a South African national park and marine protected area, African Journal of Marine Science, 46:3, 227-237, DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2024.23968422024Peer-reviewed journalGwenith PenryGwenith Penry
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Interbreeding area movement of an adult humpback whale between the east Pacific Ocean and southwest Indian Ocean. Kalashnikova E, Botero-Acosta N, Duque Mesa E, Gascón MP, Lyne P, Cheeseman T, Vogel A, Kennedy A, Akkaya A. 2024 Interbreeding area movement of an adult humpback whale between the east Pacific Ocean and southwest Indian Ocean. R. Soc. Open Sci. 11: 241361. journalEkaterina KalashnikovaEkaterina Kalashnikova
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Observations of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Feeding Behavior in the Tropical Waters of the Northern Mozambique Channel Island of Mayotte, Southwest Indian Ocean Terrapon, M., Kiszka, J. J., & Wagner, J. (2021). Observations of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Feeding Behavior in the Tropical Waters of the Northern Mozambique Channel Island of Mayotte, Southwest Indian Ocean. Aquatic Mammals, 47(2).2021Peer-reviewed journalMaeva TerraponMaeva Terrapon
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Killer Whale Predation on a Giant Manta Ray (Mobula birostris), a Sicklefin Devil Ray (Mobula tarapacana) and a Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Southwest Indian Ocean Terrapon, M., Venables, S. K., Lokker, A., Bertrand, N., Hooker, S. K., & Marshall, A. D. (2024). Killer Whale Predation on a Giant Manta Ray (Mobula birostris), a Sicklefin Devil Ray (Mobula tarapacana) and a Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Southwest Indian Ocean. African Journal of Ecology, 62(4), e133422024Peer-reviewed journalMaeva TerraponMaeva Terrapon
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Behavioural context of call production in humpback whale calves: identification of potential begging calls in a mysticetes species Ratsimbazafindranahaka, M. N., Huetz, C., Saloma, A., Andrianarimisa, A., Adam, O. , Charrier, I. 2024. Behavioural context of call production in humpback whale calves: identification of potential begging calls in a mysticetes species. Proc. R. Soc. B. 291: 20242048. 2024Peer-reviewed journalMaevatiana N RatsimbazafindranahakaMaevatiana N Ratsimbazafindranahaka
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Atlantic and Indian Ocean humpback dolphins Sousa teuszii (Kükenthal, 1892) and S. plumbea (Cuvier, 1829). Collins, T., Jog, K., Plön, S., Braulik., G. 2024. Chapter 4: Atlantic and Indian Ocean humpback dolphins Sousa teuszii (Kükenthal, 1892) and S. plumbea (Cuvier, 1829). In: Ridgeway & Harrisons Handbook of Marine Mammals, Volume 1, Coastal dolphins and Porpoises. Jefferson T.A. Ed. pp. 109-154. Academic Press, Elsevier. 2024Book chapterTim CollinsTim Collins
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Killer whale acoustic patterns respond to prey abundance and environmental variability around the Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean Shabangu, F.W., Daniels, R., Jordaan, R.K., de Bruyn, P.J.N., van den Berg, M.A., Lamont, T., 2024a. Killer whale acoustic patterns respond to prey abundance and environmental variability around the Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean. R. Soc. Open Sci. 10, 230903. journalFannie ShabanguFannie Shabangu
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Diverse baleen whale acoustic occurrence around two sub- Antarctic islands: A tale of residents and visitors Shabangu, F.W., Munoz, T., Van Uffelen, L., Estabrook, B.E., Yemane, D., Stafford, K.M., Branch, T.A., Vermeulen, E., van den Berg, M.A., Lamont, T. 2024. Diverse baleen whale acoustic occurrence around two sub-Antarctic Islands: A tale of residents and visitors. Sci. Rep. 14, 21663. journalFannie ShabanguFannie Shabangu
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Dolphins, sharks, and barnacles: Use of photographs to examine intra- and inter-specific interactions in bottlenose dolphins in Mozambique. Marley, S.A., McConnell, L., Allen, C., Wettner, S., Hunt, T., Rocha, R. and Gullan, A. (2024) Dolphins, Sharks, and Barnacles: Use of photographs to examine intra- and inter-specific interactions in bottlenose dolphins in Mozambique. Ecology and Evolution, 14(8): e11691.2024Peer-reviewed journalSarah A. MarleySarah A. Marley
Spatiotemporal trends in cetacean strandings and response in the southwestern Indian Ocean: 2000–2020 Plon, S. Norman, Adam, P.A ., Andrianarivelo, Bachoo,N. S., Braulik G., Collins T., Estrade V., Griffith O., Inteca A., Khan N., Marinesque S., Mederc E., Mwang'ombe M., . Olbers, Ramoelintsalama L., Reeve-Arnold, K., , Rocha, D., Gullan, A.D., . Saloma A., Vermeulen, E, Vitry, H. , Wilkinson, C., & Dulau, V. 2023. Spatiotemporal trends in cetacean strandings and response in the southwestern Indian Ocean: 2000–2020. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 24: 95-1192023Peer-reviewed journalStepahnie PloenStepahnie Ploen
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South-western Indian Ocean Cetacean network for research and conservation (IndoCet). Dulau V., Cerchio S., Plön S, Vogel., A.,Vermeulen, E., Cheeseman, T., Fajeau, A., Atkins, S., Meyer, M., Estrade, V., Saloma A, Penry, G., Seyboth, E., Fossette S., Gancille JM., Garrigue C, Vely, M., Zerbini A., Collins T. 2023. South-western Indian Ocean Cetacean network for research and conservation (IndoCet). Paper SC/69b-SAN-03Rev2, presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, April 2024, Bled, Slovenia (unpublished).2022IWC reportViolaine DulauViolaine Dulau
South-western Indian Ocean Cetacean network for research and conservation (INDOCET) Dulau V., Collins T., Cerchio S., Plön S, Saloma A, Fossette S, Garrigue C, Zerbini A. 2023. South-western Indian Ocean Cetacean network for research and conservation (IndoCet). Paper SC/69a-SAN-02, presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, April 2023, Bled, Slovenia (unpublished).2023IWC reportDulau ViolaineDulau Violaine
Time budget and behavioral synchrony of humpback whale mother-calf pairs on a breeding ground in the southwestern Indian Ocean Ratsimbazafindranahaka, M. N., Huetz, C., Saloma, A., Andrianarimisa, A., Charrier, I.,& Adam, O. (2024). Time budget and behavioral synchrony of humpback whale mother-calf pairs on abreeding ground in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Marine Mammal Science, e13129. journalMaevatiana N. RatsimbazafindranahakaMaevatiana N. Ratsimbazafindranahaka
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A review of sperm morphology in Cetacea with new data for the genus Kogia. Plön, S. and Bernard, R.T.F. 2006. A review of sperm morphology in Cetacea with new data for the genus Kogia. Journal of Zoology 269: 466-473. journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Organ weights of three dolphin species from South Africa-implications for ecological adaptation? Plön, S., Albrecht, K. H., Cliff, G. and Froneman, P. W. 2012. Organ weights of three dolphin species from South Africa-implications for ecological adaptation? Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 12(2): 265-276. journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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A systematic health assessment of Indian Ocean bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and Indo-Pacific humpback (Sousa plumbea) dolphins, incidentally caught in shark nets off the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. Lane, E.P., de Wet, M., Thompson, P., Siebert, U., Wohlsein, P., and S. Plön. 2014. A systematic health assessment of Indian Ocean bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and Indo-Pacific humpback (Sousa plumbea) dolphins, incidentally caught in shark nets off the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. PloS One 9 (9): e0107038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107038.2014Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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A Standardized Necropsy Protocol for Health Investigations of Small Cetaceans in Southern Africa. Plön, S., De Wet, M., Lane, E., Wohlsein, P. Siebert, U. and P. Thompson. 2015. A Standardized Necropsy Protocol for Health Investigations of Small Cetaceans in Southern Africa. African Journal of Wildlife Research 45(3): 332-341. journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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The natural history and conservation of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in South African waters Plön S., Cockcroft V. G. and P. W. Froneman. 2015. The natural history and conservation of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in South African waters. In: Thomas Jefferson, Barbara E. Curry (eds): Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.): Current Status and Conservation, Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 72, Part 1, Academic Press, UK, pp. 143-162. journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Dorsal fin and hump vascular anatomy in the Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) and the Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) Plön, S., Frainer, G., Wedderburn-Maxwell, A., Cliff, G., and S. Huggenberger. 2018. Dorsal fin and hump vascular anatomy in the Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) and the Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Marine Mammal Science 35(2): 684-695. doi: 10.1111/MMS.12570.2018Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Phylogeography of the dugong (Dugong dugon) based on historical samples identifies vulnerable Indian Ocean populations Plön, S., Thakur, V., Parr, L., and S. Lavery. 2019. Phylogeography of the dugong (Dugong dugon) based on historical samples identifies vulnerable Indian Ocean populations. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0219350. doi: journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Elements in muscle tissue of three dolphin species from the east coast of South Africa Plön, S., Roussouw, N., Uren, R., Naidoo, K., Siebert, U., Cliff, G., Bouwman, H. 2023. Elements in muscle tissue of three dolphin species from the east coast of South Africa. Marine Pollution Bulletin 188: 114707. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114707.2023Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Editorial: Aquatic One Health — The Intersection of Marine Wildlife Health, Public Health, and Our Oceans Norman, S., Palić, D., Phillips Savage, A.C.N., Plön, S., Shields, S., Venegas, C. 2023. Editorial: Aquatic One Health — The Intersection of Marine Wildlife Health, Public Health, and Our Oceans. Frontiers in Marine Science, Section Marine Conservation and Sustainability, Special Research Topic-Aquatic One Health, Volume 10. journalStephanie NormanStephanie Norman
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Get with the beat! The regulation of underwater noise in South Africa Karomo, A., Plön, S., and P. Vrancken. 2023. Get with the beat! The regulation of underwater noise in South Africa. Obiter 44 (2): 383‒411. ISSN 2709-555X.2023Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Population structure of pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales in the Southern Hemisphere may reflect foraging ecology and dispersal patterns Plön, S., Best, P. B., Duignan, P., Lavery, S. D., Bernard, R. T. F., Van Waerebeek, K. and C. S. Baker. 2023. Population structure of pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales in the Southern Hemisphere may reflect foraging ecology and dispersal patterns. Advances in Marine Biology 96, Vol. 1: 85-114.2023Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Acoustic detections and sightings of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Seychelles, western tropical Indian Ocean (2020-2022) Stafford, K., Boussarie, G., Caputo, M., Irvine, L., Laing, S., Nancy, E., Pearson, H. & Kiszka, J., 2023. Acoustic detections and sightings of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Seychelles, western tropical Indian Ocean (2020-2022). Endangered Species Research, 53: 203-208.2023Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Bycatch in drift gillnet fisheries: a sink for Indian Ocean cetaceans Elliott, B., Kiszka, J.J., Bonhommeau, S., Shahid, U., Lent, R., Nelson, L. and Read, A.J., 2024. Bycatch in drift gillnet fisheries: A sink for Indian Ocean cetaceans. Conservation Letters, p.e12997.2024Peer-reviewed journalBrianna EliottBrianna Eliott
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Cetaceans of the Saya de Malha bank region, Indian Ocean: A candidate Important Marine Mammal Area Webber, T., Lewis, T., Talma, S., Sandooyea, S., Meller, L., Dulau-Drouot, V., Thompson, K. F. 2023. Cetaceans of the Saya de Malha bank region, Indian Ocean: A candidate Important Marine Mammal Area, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 66, 103164. 2023Peer-reviewed journalKirsten F. ThompsonKirsten F. Thompson
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Estimating population changes in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrating past Cape Vidal, South Africa Wilkinson, C., Seyboth, E., Olbers, J., Vermeulen, E., Kramer, R., & Findlay, K. (2023). Estimating population changes in humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae migrating past Cape Vidal, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science, 45(1), 39–50. journalChris WilkisonChris Wilkison
Dugong dugon, Dugong, lambohara. In: The new natural history of Madagascar Davis P.Z.R., Cerchio S., Cooke A., Andrianarivelo N. 2022. Dugong dugon, Dugong, lambohara. In: Goodman, S. M. (ed.). The new natural history of Madagascar. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp 400-411.2022Book chapterSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Balaenoptera omurai, Omura’s Whale. In: The new natural history of Madagascar. Cerchio S., Rasoloarijao T., Andrianantenaina B., and Andrianarivelo N. 2022. Balaenoptera omurai, Omura’s Whale. In: Goodman, S. M. (ed.). The new natural history of Madagascar. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp 424-429.2022Book chapterSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Cetacean Species Diversity in Malagasy Waters Cerchio S., Laran S., Andrianarivelo N., Saloma A., Andrianantenaina B., Van Canneyt O., and Rasoloarijao T. 2022. Cetacean Species Diversity in Malagasy Waters. In: Goodman, S. M. (ed.). The new natural history of Madagascar. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp 411-424.2022Book chapterSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Humpback whale suckling behavior: an insight into the mother-offspring strategy in mysticetes Ratsimbazafindranahaka, M.N., Huetz, C., Reidenberg, J.S. et al. Humpback whale suckling behavior: an insight into the mother-offspring strategy in mysticetes. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 77, 96 (2023). journalMaevatiana N. RatsimbazafindranahakaMaevatiana N. Ratsimbazafindranahaka
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Decadal decline in maternal body condition of a Southern Ocean capital breeder Vermeulen, E., Thavar, T., Glarou, M., Ganswindt, A., Christiansen, F. Decadal decline in maternal body condition of a Southern Ocean capital breeder. Scientific Reports, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-30238-22023Peer-reviewed journalEls VermeulenEls Vermeulen
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Life history parameters and diet of Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus, Cuvier, 1812) from southeastern South Africa. Plön, S., Heyns-Veale, E., Smale, M. and P. W. Froneman. 2020. Life history parameters and diet of Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus, Cuvier, 1812) from southeastern South Africa. Marine Mammal Science 36(3): 786-801. 2020Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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A global review of vessel collisions with marine animals. Schoeman, R.P., Patterson-Abrolat, C. and S. Plön. 2020. A global review of vessel collisions with marine animals. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 292. 2020Peer-reviewed journal
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Spatio-temporal trends in cetacean strandings and response in the southwestern Indian Ocean region - 2000 to 2020 Plön, S., Norman, S., Adam, P. A., Andrianarivelo, N., Bachoo, S., Braulik, G., Collins, T., Estrade, V., Griffiths, O., Gullan, A. D., Inteca, G., Khan, N., Marinesque, S., Mederic, E., Mwang’ombe, M., Olbers, J., Ramoelintsalama, L., Reeve-Arnold, K., Rocha, D., Saloma, A., Vermeulen, E., Vitry, H., Wilkinson, C. Dulau, V. (2023). Spatio-temporal trends in cetacean strandings and response in the southwestern Indian Ocean region - 2000 to 2020. Journal for Cetacean Research and Management, 24, 95-119. 2023Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Low mitochondrial genetic diversity in the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbea in South African waters. Lampert, S. G., Ingle, R. A., Jackson, J., Gopal, K. and S. Plön. 2021. Low mitochondrial genetic diversity in the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbea in South African waters. Endangered Species Research 46: 91-103. 2021Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Focussing on the receiver- hearing in two focal cetaceans exposed to Ocean Economy developments. Plön, S. and N. Roussouw. 2022. Focussing on the receiver- hearing in two focal cetaceans exposed to Ocean Economy developments. Applied Acoustics 196:108890. 2022Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Histomorphological stratification of blubber of three dolphin species from the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. Roussouw, N., van Vliet, T., Naidoo, K., Rossouw, G. and S. Plön. 2022. Histomorphological stratification of blubber of three dolphin species from the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. Journal of Morphology. 2022Peer-reviewed journalStephanie Plön, Natasha RoussouwStephanie Plön, Natasha Roussouw,
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External indicators of fisheries interactions in known bycaught dolphins from bather protection nets along the KwaZulu-Natal coastline, South Africa. Roussouw, N., Wintner, S., Hofmeyr, G. J. G., Wohlsein, P., Siebert, U. and S. Plön. 2022. External indicators of fisheries interactions in known bycaught dolphins from bather protection nets along the KwaZulu-Natal coastline, South Africa. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 23(1): 127-140. 2022Peer-reviewed journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Vagrant elephant seal predation on Cape fur seal pups, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa Penry, G.S., Baartman, A.C. and Bester, M.N., (2013). Vagrant elephant seal predation on Cape fur seal pups, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. Polar Biology, 36(9), pp.1381-1383. journalGwenith PenryGwenith Penry
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Seasonal fluctuations in occurrence of Bryde’s whales in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, with notes on feeding and multispecies associations Penry GS, VG Cockcroft and PS Hammond (2011). Seasonal fluctuations in occurrence of Bryde’s whales in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, with notes on feeding and multispecies associations, African Journal of Marine Science, 33:3, 403-414. journalGwenith PenryGwenith Penry
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A conservation assessment of Balaenoptera edeni. In Child MF, Roxburgh L, Do Linh San E, Raimondo D, Davies-Mostert HT, editors. The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho Penry GS, Findlay K, Best PB (2016): A conservation assessment of Balaenoptera edeni. In Child MF, Roxburgh L, Do Linh San E, Raimondo D, Davies-Mostert HT, editors. The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. South African National Biodiversity Institute and Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa. 2016Other reportGwenith PenryGwenith Penry
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Phylogenetic relationships in southern African Bryde’s whales inferred from mitochondrial DNA: further support for subspecies delineation between the two allopatric populations Penry, G.S., Hammond, P.S., Cockcroft, V.G., Best, P.B., Thornton, M., Graves, J.A. (2018). Phylogenetic relationships in southern African Bryde’s whales inferred from mitochondrial DNA: further support for subspecies delineation between the two allopatric populations. Conserv Genet 19, 1349–1365. journalGwenith PenryGwenith Penry
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Clear waters: Assessing regulation transparency of website advertising in South Africa’s Boat-Based Whale Watching industry Judge, C., Penry GS., Brown M., Witteveen. (2020). Clear waters: Assessing regulation transparency of website advertising in South Africa’s Boat-Based Whale Watching industry. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29(6), 964-980. journalMinke WitteveenMinke Witteveen
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High-speed chases along the seafloor put Bryde’s whales at risk of entanglement Segre, PS; Di Clemente, J; Kahane-Rapport, SR; Gough, WT; Lombard, A.T; Goldbogen JA; Penry, GS (2022). High-speed chases along the seafloor put Bryde’s whales at risk of entanglement. Conservation Science and Practice, 4(5). journalPaolo SegrePaolo Segre
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Alloparental care of a bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and common (Delphinus delphis) dolphin calf by a female Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) along the Garden Route, South Africa Danielle S. Conry, P.J. Nico de Bruyn, Pierre Pistorius, Victor G. Cockcroft, Gwenith S. Penry (2022). Alloparental care of a bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and common (Delphinus delphis) dolphin calf by a female Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) along the Garden Route, South Africa, Aquatic Mammals 43(3). DOI:10.1578/AM.48.3.2022.197 2022Peer-reviewed journalDanielle ConryDanielle Conry
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essai essai2022
publication test citation2022IWC report
Decadal shift in foraging strategy of a highly migratory marine capital breeder. van den Berg, G.L., Vermeulen, E., Valenzuela, L.O., Bérubé, M., Ganswindt, A., Gröcke, D.R., Hall, G., Hulva, P., Neveceralova, P., Palsbøll, P.J., Carroll, E.L. (2021). Decadal shift in foraging strategy of a highly migratory marine capital breeder. Global Change Biology, 27: 1052-1067. Doi: 10.1111/gcb.154652021Peer-reviewed journal
Population changes in a whale breeding ground revealed by citizen science noninvasive genetics Neveceralova, P., Carroll, E.L., Steel, D., Vermeulen, E., Elwen, S., Zidek, J., Stafford, S.K., Chivell, W., Hulva, P. 2022. Population changes in a whale breeding ground revealed by citizen science noninvasive genetics. Global Ecology and Conservation 37 (e02141). DOI: journalPetra NeveceralovaPetra Neveceralova
Rostrum abnormalities in the endangered Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea). Frainer, G., Elwen, S., Dines, S., James, B., Vermeulen, E., Penry, G., Vargas-Fonseca, O.A., Atkins, S., Conry, D., Gridley, T. Rostrum abnormalities in the endangered Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea). Integrative Zoology DOI: journalGuilherme FrainerGuilherme Frainer
Mortalities of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) and related anthropogenic factors in South African waters, 1999 – 2019 Vermeulen, E., Jouve, E., Best, P., Cliff, G., Dicken, M., Kotze, D., McCue, S., Meyer, M., Seakamela, S.M., Thompson, G., Thornton, M., Wilkinson, C. Mortalities of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) and related anthropogenic factors in South African waters, 1999 – 2019. JCRM 23(1):149-6 DOI: journalEls VermeulenEls Vermeulen
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Humpback Whales: Exploring global diversity and behavioural plasticity in an undersea virtuoso Cholewiak D, and Cerchio S. 2022. Humpback Whales: Exploring global diversity and behavioural plasticity in an undersea virtuoso. In: Clark, C.W. & Garland, E. (eds) Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Mysticetes. Springer. Boston, MA.2022Book chapterSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
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The Omura’s Whale: Exploring the enigma Cerchio S. 2022. The Omura’s Whale: Exploring the enigma. In: Clark, C.W. & Garland, E. (eds) Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Mysticetes. Springer. Boston, MA.2022Book chapterSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
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Global distribution of Omura’s whales (Balaenoptera omurai) and assessment of range-wide threats Cerchio S, Yamada T, Brownell Jr. RL. 2019. Global distribution of Omura’s whales (Balaenoptera omurai) and assessment of range-wide threats. Frontiers in Marine Ecology 6:67. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00067.2019Peer-reviewed journalSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
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Ecology and conservation status of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in Madagascar Cerchio S, Andrianarivelo N, and Andrianantenaina B. 2015. Ecology and conservation status of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in Madagascar. In: Jefferson T, and Curry B, editors. Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.): Their Current Status and Conservation. Advances in Marine Biology Series, Vol. 72. Oxford: Academic Press. Pp. 163-199.2015Book chapterSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
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Acoustic monitoring of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Mozambique Channel off the Northwest Coast of Madagascar Cerchio S, Rasoloarijao T, Mueller-Brennan B, Cholewiak D. 2020. Acoustic monitoring of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Mozambique Channel off the Northwest Coast of Madagascar. Paper SC/68B/SH/08 presented to IWC Scientific Committee.2020IWC reportSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Acoustic monitoring of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and other baleen whales in the Mozambique Channel off the Northwest Coast of Madagascar Cerchio S, Rasoloarijao T, Cholewiak D. 2018. Acoustic monitoring of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and other baleen whales in the Mozambique Channel off the Northwest Coast of Madagascar. Paper SC/67B/SH/14 presented to IWC Scientific Committee.2018IWC reportSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Sightings, incidental by-catch, and hunting of dugongs (Dugong dugon) on the west coast of Madagascar, as Inferred from Interviews with Local Fishers Cerchio S, Andrianarivelo N, Andrianantenaina B. 2012. Sightings, incidental by-catch, and hunting of dugongs (Dugong dugon) on the west coast of Madagascar, as Inferred from Interviews with Local Fishers. Report to the Convention on Migratory Species. 17pp.2012Other reportSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Assessment of cetacean diversity, distribution and population status on the west coast of Madagascar and Mozambique Channel Cerchio S, Gruden P, Andrianarivelo N, Strindberg S. 2012. Assessment of cetacean diversity, distribution and population status on the west coast of Madagascar and Mozambique Channel. Report to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Species Survival Commission. 31pp.2012Other reportSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Initial assessment of exchange between breeding stocks C1 and C3 of humpback whales in the western Indian Ocean using photographic mark-recapture data, 2000-2006 Cerchio S, Findlay K, Ersts P, Minton G, Bennet D, Meÿer M, Razafindrakoto Y, Kotze D, Oosthuizen H, Leslie M, Andrianarivelo N and Rosenbaum H. 2008. Initial assessment of exchange between breeding stocks C1 and C3 of humpback whales in the western Indian Ocean using photographic mark-recapture data, 2000-2006. Paper SC/60/SH33 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee.2008IWC reportSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Updated estimates of abundance for humpback whale breeding stock C3 off Madagascar Cerchio S, Ersts P, Pomilla C, Loo J, Razafindrakoto Y, Leslie M, Andrianarivelo N, Minton G, Dushane J, Murray A, Collins T and Rosenbaum H. 2009. Updated estimates of abundance for humpback whale breeding stock C3 off Madagascar. Paper SC/61/SH7 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee.2009IWC reportSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Tanzania Whale Network. 2021 Whale Report Braulik, G., and V. Ngoteya. 2022. Tanzania Whale Network. 2021 Whale Report. reportGill BraulikGill Braulik
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Tanzania Whale Network: Report of Sightings 2020 Stern, D., and G. Braulik. 2021. Tanzania Whale Network: Report of Sightings 2020. Available for download from: reportGill BraulikGill Braulik
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Tanzania Whale Network: Report of Sightings 2019 Braulik, G. T., and D. Stern. 2020. Tanzania Whale Network: Report of Sightings 2019. Available for download from: reportGill BraulikGill Braulik
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Tanzania Whale Network: Report of Sightings 2018 Braulik, G. T., and D. Stern. 2019. Tanzania Whale Network: Report of Sightings 2018. 2019Other reportGill BraulikGill Braulik
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Abundance, spatial distribution and threats to Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in an Important Marine Mammal Area in Tanzania Kasuga, M. P., M. D. Varisanga, T. R. B. Davenport, S. N. Jiddawi, and G. T. Braulik. 2022. Abundance, spatial distribution and threats to Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in an Important Marine Mammal Area in Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 21.2022Peer-reviewed journalGILL BraulikGILL Braulik
The benefits of guide training for sustainable cetacean-based tourism in developing countries, case study – Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve, Mozambique. Rocha, D., Marley, S.A., Drakeford, B. et al. The benefits of guide training for sustainable cetacean-based tourism in developing countries, case study – Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve, Mozambique. J Coast Conserv 26, 33 (2022). journalRocha, DRocha, D;
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Social calls in humpback whale mother-calf groups off Sainte Marie breeding ground (Madagascar, Indian Ocean) Saloma, A., Ratsimbazafindranahaka, M. N., Martin, M., Andrianarimisa, A., Huetz, C., Adam, O., & Charrier, I. (2022). Social calls in humpback whale mother-calf groups off Sainte Marie breeding ground (Madagascar, Indian Ocean). PeerJ, 10, e13785.2022Peer-reviewed journalMaevatiana N. RatsimbazafindranahakaMaevatiana N. Ratsimbazafindranahaka
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Characterizing the suckling behavior by video and 3D-accelerometry in humpback whale calves on a breeding ground Ratsimbazafindranahaka, M. N., Huetz, C., Andrianarimisa, A., Reidenberg, J. S., Saloma, A., Adam, O., & Charrier, I. (2022). Characterizing the suckling behavior by video and 3D-accelerometry in humpback whale calves on a breeding ground. PeerJ, 10, e12945.2022Peer-reviewed journalMaevatiana N. RatsimbazafindranahakaMaevatiana N. Ratsimbazafindranahaka
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Morphometric study of humpback whale mother-calf pairs in the Sainte Marie channel, Madagascar, using a simple drone-based photogrammetric method Ratsimbazafindranahaka, M. N., Razafimahatratra, E., Mathevet, R., Adam, O., Huetz, C., Charrier, I., & Saloma, A. (2021). Morphometric study of humpback whale mother-calf pairs in the Sainte Marie channel, Madagascar, using a simple drone-based photogrammetric method. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 20(2), 95-107.2021Peer-reviewed journalMaevatiana N. RatsimbazafindranahakaMaevatiana N. Ratsimbazafindranahaka
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The Important Marine Mammal Area Network: A Tool for Systematic Spatial Planning in Response to the Marine Mammal Habitat Conservation Crisis Tetley MJ, Braulik GT, Lanfredi C, Minton G, Panigada S, Politi E, Zanardelli M, Notarbartolo di Sciara G and Hoyt E (2022) The Important Marine Mammal Area Network: A Tool for Systematic Spatial Planning in Response to the Marine Mammal Habitat Conservation Crisis. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:841789. journalMichael TetleyMichael Tetley
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Year-round acoustic monitoring of Antarctic blue and in whales in relation to environmental conditions off the west coast of South Africa Letsheleha IS, Shabangu FW, Farrell D, Andrew RK, la Grange PL, Findlay KP. 2022. Year-round acoustic monitoring of Antarctic blue and in whales in relation to environmental conditions off the west coast of South Africa. Marine Biology 169, 41. journalIshmail S. LetshelehaIshmail S. Letsheleha
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Science Alone Won’t Do It! South Africa’s Endangered Humpback Dolphins Sousa plumbea Face Complex Conservation Challenges Plön S. Atkins S., Cockcroft V., Conry D., Dines S., ElwenS., GennariE., Gopal K., Gridley T., Hörbst S., James B.S., Penry G., Thornton M., Vargas-Fonseca O. A., Vermeulen E. 2021. Science Alone Won’t Do It! South Africa’s Endangered Humpback Dolphins Sousa plumbea Face Complex Conservation Challenges. Front. Mar. Sci. journalStephanie PlönStephanie Plön
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Cetacean Research and Citizen Science in Kenya Mwango’mbe MG, Spilsbury J,Trott S, Nyunja J, Wambiji N, Collins T, Gomes I and Pérez-Jorge S. 2021. Cetacean Research and Citizen Science in Kenya. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:642399. journalMichael Mwango’mbeMichael Mwango’mbe
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Predicting seasonal movements and distribution of the sperm whale using machine learning algorithms CHAMBAULT, P., FOSSETTE, S., HEIDE-JØRGENSEN, MP., JOUANNET, D., VÉLY, M., 2021. Predicting seasonal movements and distribution of the sperm whale using machine learning algorithms. Ecology and Evolution, 11(3), 1432-1445. doi: 10.1002/ece3.71542021Peer-reviewed journal
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Kin relationships in cultural species of the marine realm: case study of a matrilineal social group of sperm whales off Mauritius island, Indian Ocean Sarano Francois, Girardet Justine, Sarano Véronique, Vitry Hugues, Preud'homme Axel, Heuzey René, Garcia-Cegarra Ana M., Madon Bénédicte, Delfour Fabienne, Glotin Hervé, Adam Olivier and Jung Jean-Luc 2021Kin relationships in cultural species of the marine realm: case study of a matrilineal social group of sperm whales off Mauritius island, Indian OceanR. Soc. open sci.8201794201794 journal
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Long Distance Runners in the Marine Realm: New Insights Into Genetic Diversity, Kin Relationships and Social Fidelity of Indian Ocean Male Sperm Whales GIRARDET, J., SARANO, F., GAËTAN, R., TIXIER, P., GUINET, CH., ALEXANDER A. & SARANO, V., VITRY, H., PREUD’HOMME, A., HEUZEY, R., GARCIA, C., ANA & ADAM, O., MADON, B., JUNG, J.L., 2022. Long Distance Runners in the Marine Realm: New Insights Into Genetic Diversity, Kin Relationships and Social Fidelity of Indian Ocean Male Sperm Whales. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9. 815684. 10.3389/fmars.2022.8156842022Peer-reviewed journal
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Underwater photo-identification of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off Mauritius SARANO, V., SARANO, F., GIRARDET, J., PREUD’HOMME A., VITRY, H., HEUZEY, R., SARANO, M., DELFOUR, F., GLOTIN, H., ADAM, O., MADON, B., JUNG, J. L., 2022. Underwater photo-identification of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off Mauritius. Marine Biology Research. 10.1080/17451000.2022.20407372022Peer-reviewed journal
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Vocal Repertoires and Insights Into Social Structure of Sperm Whales (Physeter macropcephalus) in Mauritius, Southwestern Indian Ocean. Huijer L.A.E., Estrade V., Webster I., Mouysset L., Cadinouche A., Dulau-Drouot V. 2020. Vocal Repertoires and Insights Into Social Structure of Sperm Whales (Physeter macropcephalus) in Mauritius, Southwestern Indian Ocean. Marine Mammal Science, 20:1-20. journalLeonie HuijerLeonie Huijer
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Fine-scale habitat use by humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Zavora Bay, Mozambique Van Driessche CDA, Cullain N, Tibiriçá Y, O’Connor I (2020). Fine-scale habitat use by humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Zavora Bay, Mozambique. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 19(2): 129-145. journalCharlotte D. Van DriesscheCharlotte D. Van Driessche
A Comprehensive Survey of Pelagic Megafauna: Their Distribution, Densities, and Taxonomic Richness in the Tropical Southwest Indian Ocean Laran, S., Authier, M., Van Canneyt, O., Dorémus, G., Watremez, P., Ridoux, V., 2017. A Comprehensive Survey of Pelagic Megafauna: Their Distribution, Densities, and Taxonomic Richness in the Tropical Southwest Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 4 (139).2017Peer-reviewed journalSophie LaranSophie Laran
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Low-frequency sound level in the Southern Indian Ocean. Tsang-Hin-Sun, E., Royer, J. Y., & Leroy, E. C. (2015). Low-frequency sound level in the Southern Indian Ocean. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(6), 3439-3446.2015Peer-reviewed journalEve Tsang-Hin-SunEve Tsang-Hin-Sun
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Baleen whale distribution and seasonal occurrence revealed by an ocean bottom seismometer network in the Western Indian Ocean Dréo, R., Bouffaut, L., Leroy, E., Barruol, G., & Samaran, F. (2019). Baleen whale distribution and seasonal occurrence revealed by an ocean bottom seismometer network in the Western Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 161, 132-144.2019Peer-reviewed journalRichard Dréo Richard Dréo
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Multiple pygmy blue whale acoustic populations in the Indian Ocean: whale song identifies a possible new population Leroy, E. C., Royer, J. Y., Alling, A., Maslen, B., & Rogers, T. L. (2021). Multiple pygmy blue whale acoustic populations in the Indian Ocean: whale song identifies a possible new population. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-21.2021Peer-reviewed journalEmmanuelle C. LeroyEmmanuelle C. Leroy
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Long-Term and Seasonal Changes of Large Whale Call Frequency in the Southern Indian Ocean Leroy, E. C., Royer, J. Y., Bonnel, J., & Samaran, F. (2018). Long‐term and seasonal changes of large whale call frequency in the southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(11), 8568-8580.2018Peer-reviewed journalEmmanuelle C. LeroyEmmanuelle C. Leroy
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Broad-scale study of the seasonal and geographic occurrence of blue and fin whales in the Southern Indian Ocean Leroy, E. C., Samaran, F., Stafford, K. M., Bonnel, J., & Royer, J. Y. (2018). Broad-scale study of the seasonal and geographic occurrence of blue and fin whales in the Southern Indian Ocean. Endangered Species Research, 37, 289-300.2018Peer-reviewed journalEmmanuelle C. LeroyEmmanuelle C. Leroy
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Identification of two potential whale calls in the southern Indian Ocean, and their geographic and seasonal occurrence. Leroy, E. C., Samaran, F., Bonnel, J., & Royer, J. Y. (2017). Identification of two potential whale calls in the southern Indian Ocean, and their geographic and seasonal occurrence. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(3), 1413-1427.2017Peer-reviewed journalEmmanuelle C. LeroyEmmanuelle C. Leroy
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Seasonal and Diel Vocalization Patterns of Antarctic Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) in the Southern Indian Ocean: A Multi-Year and Multi-Site Study Leroy, E. C., Samaran, F., Bonnel, J., & Royer, J. Y. (2016). Seasonal and diel vocalization patterns of Antarctic blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) in the Southern Indian Ocean: a multi-year and multi-site study. PloS one, 11(11), e0163587.2016Peer-reviewed journalEmmanuelle C. LeroyEmmanuelle C. Leroy
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A new blue whale song-type described for the Arabian Sea and Western Indian Ocean Cerchio S, Willson A, Leroy E, Muirhead C, Al Harthi S, Baldwin R, Cholewiak D, Collins T, Minton G, Rasoloarijao T, Rogers T, Sarrouf Willson M. 2020. A new blue whale song-type described for the Arabian Sea and Western Indian Ocean. Endangered Species Research 43: 495-515.Cerchio et al., 20202020Peer-reviewed journalSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
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Omura’s whales (Balaenoptera omurai) in Northwest Madagascar: ecology, behavior and conservation needs Cerchio S, Andrianantenaina B, Lindsay A, Rekdahl M, Andrianarivelo N, and Raoloarijao T. 2015. Omura’s whales (Balaenoptera omurai) in Northwest Madagascar: ecology, behavior and conservation needs. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150301. DOI:10.1098/rsos.150301.Cerchio et al. 20152015Peer-reviewed journalSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
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Cetacean rapid assessment: An approach to fill knowledge gaps and target conservation across large data deficient areas Braulik, G. T., Kasuga, M., Wittich, A., Kiszka, J. J., MacCaulay, J., Gillespie, D., . . . Hammond, P. S. (2017). Cetacean rapid assessment: An approach to fill knowledge gaps and target conservation across large data deficient areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2833. doi:10.1002/aqc.2833Braulik et al., 20172017Peer-reviewed journalBraulik, GillBraulik, Gill
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Cetacean rapid assessment: an approach to fill knowledge gaps and target conservation activities in data deficient areas BRAULIK, G.T., KASUGA, M., WITTICH, A., KISZKA, J., MACCAULEY, J., GILLESPIE, D., GORDON, J., SHAHIB SAID, S. & HAMMOND, P.S., 2018. Cetacean rapid assessment: an approach to fill knowledge gaps and target conservation activities in data deficient areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28: 216-230.Braulik et al., 20182018Peer-reviewed journalGill BraulikGill Braulik
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Abundance and site fidelity of bottlenose dolphins off a remote oceanic island (Reunion, southwest Indian Ocean). Estrade V, Dulau V. 2020. Abundance and site fidelity of bottlenose dolphins off a remote oceanic island (Reunion, southwest Indian Ocean). Marine Mammal Science, 2020:1-26. & Dulau 20202020Peer-reviewed journalVanessa EstradeVanessa Estrade
Link to the journalTursiops aduncus, abundance, site fidelity, Reunion
Vulnerable marine megafauna interaction with small-scale fisheries of the southwestern Indian Ocean: a review of status and challenges for research and management TEMPLE, A., KISZKA, J., STEAD, S., WAMBIJI, N., BRITO, A., POONIAN, C., AMIR, O.A., JIDDAWI, N.S., FENNESSY, S.T., PEREZ-JORGE, S. & BERGGREN, P., 2018. Vulnerable marine megafauna interaction with small-scale fisheries of the southwestern Indian Ocean: a review of status and challenges for research and management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 28: 89-115.Temple et al., 20182018Peer-reviewed journalAndrew Temple Andrew Temple
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Marine mammals: a review of status, distribution and interaction with fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean KISZKA, J., 2015. Marine mammals: a review of status, distribution and interaction with fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Chapter 8: 303-323. In: Van der Elst RP and Everett BI. 2015. (eds). Offshore fisheries of the Southwest Indian Ocean: their status and the impact on vulnerable species. Oceanographic Research Institute, Special Publication, 10. 448pp.Kiszka 20152015Book chapterJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
Cetaceans and tuna purse seine fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans: interactions but few mortalities ESCALLE, L., CAPIETTO, A., CHAVANCE, P., DUBROCA, L., DELGADO DE MOLINA, A., MURUA, H., ROMANOV, E., SPITZ, J., KISZKA, J., FLOCH, L., DAMIANO, A. & MERIGOT, B., 2015. Cetaceans and tuna purse seine fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans: interactions but few mortalities. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 522: 255-268.Escalle et al., 20152015Peer-reviewed journalLaurianne EscalleLaurianne Escalle
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The foraging ecology of coastal bottlenose dolphins based on stable isotope mixing models and behavioural sampling KISZKA, J., MENDEZ-FERNANDEZ, P., HEITHAUS, M.R. & RIDOUX, V., 2014. The foraging ecology of coastal bottlenose dolphins based on stable isotope mixing models and behavioural sampling. Marine Biology, 161: 953-961.Kiszka et al., 20142014Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Capture-mark-recapture modelling suggests an endangered status for the Mayotte Island (eastern Africa) population of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins PUSINERI, C., BARBRAUD, C., KISZKA, J., CACERES, S. MOUGNOT, J., DAUDIN, G. & RIDOUX, V., 2014. Capture-mark-recapture modelling suggests an endangered status for the Mayotte Island (eastern Africa) population of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Endangered Species Research, 23: 33-43.Pusineri et al., 20142014Peer-reviewed journalClaire PusineriClaire Pusineri
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Habitat partitioning and fine scale population structure among insular bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in a tropical lagoon KISZKA, J., SIMON-BOUHET, B., GASTEBOIS, C., PUSINERI, C. & RIDOUX, V., 2012. Habitat partitioning and fine scale population structure among insular bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in a tropical lagoon. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 416-417: 176-184.Kiszka et al., 20122012Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Cetacean research in the southern African subregion (equator to ice edge): review of previous studies and current knowledge ELWEN, S., FINDLAY, K., KISZKA, J. & WEIR, C., 2011. Cetacean research in the southern African subregion (equator to ice edge): review of previous studies and current knowledge. African Journal of Marine Science, 33(3): 469-493.Elwen et al., 20112011Peer-reviewed journalSimon ElwenSimon Elwen
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What drives island-associated tropical dolphins to form mixed-species associations in the southwest Indian Ocean? KISZKA, J., PERRIN, W.F., PUSINERI, C. & RIDOUX, V., 2011. What drives island-associated tropical dolphins to form mixed-species associations in the southwest Indian Ocean? Journal of Mammalogy, 92(5): 1105-1111.Kiszka et al., 2011b2011Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Ecological niche segregation within a community of sympatric dolphins around a tropical island KISZKA, J., SIMON-BOUHET, B., MARTINEZ, L., PUSINERI, C., RICHARD, P. & RIDOUX, V., 2011. Ecological niche segregation within a community of sympatric dolphins around a tropical island. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 433: 273-288.Kiszka et al., 20112011Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
Cytochrome P450 1A1 expression in cetacean skin biopsies from the Indian Ocean JAUNIAUX, T., FARNIR, F., FONTAINE, M., KISZKA, J., SARLET, M. & COIGNOUL, F, 2011. Cytochrome P450 1A1 expression in cetacean skin biopsies from the Indian Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 1317-1319.Jauniaux et al., 20112011Peer-reviewed journalThierry JauniauxThierry Jauniaux
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Structure of a toothed cetacean community around a tropical island (Mayotte, Mozambique Channel) KISZKA, J., ERSTS, P.J. & RIDOUX, V., 2010. Structure of a toothed cetacean community around a tropical island (Mayotte, Mozambique Channel). African Journal of Marine Science, 32(3): 543-551.Kiszka et al., 20102011Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Lobomycosis-like disease and other skin conditions in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from the Indian Ocean KISZKA, J., VAN BRESSEM, M.-F. & PUSINERI, C., 2009. Lobomycosis-like disease and other skin conditions in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from the Indian Ocean. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 84 (2): 151-157.Kiszka et al., 20092009Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Marine megafauna catch in southwestern Indian Ocean small-scale fisheries from landings data TEMPLE, A., WAMBIJI, N., POONIAN, C., JIDDAWI, N., STEAD, S., KISZKA, J. & BERGGREN, P., 2019. Marine megafauna catch in southwestern Indian Ocean small-scale fisheries from landings data. Biological Conservation, 230: 113-121.Temple et al., 20192019Peer-reviewed journalAndrew Temple Andrew Temple
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Assessment of the Conservation Status of the Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin (Sousa plumbea) Using the IUCN Red List Criteria Braulik, G. T., Findlay, K., Cerchio, S., & Baldwin, R. (2015). Chapter Five - Assessment of the Conservation Status of the Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin (Sousa plumbea) Using the IUCN Red List Criteria. In T. A. Jefferson & B. E. Curry (Eds.), Advances in Marine Biology (Vol. 72, pp. 119-141): Academic Press.Braulik et al. 20152015Peer-reviewed journalBraulik, GillBraulik, Gill
Link to the journalSousa plumbea
Ecological niche segregation within a community of sympatric dolphins around a tropical island KISZKA, J., SIMON-BOUHET, B., MARTINEZ, L., PUSINERI, C., RICHARD, P. & RIDOUX, V., 2011. Ecological niche segregation within a community of sympatric dolphins around a tropical island. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 433: 273-288.Kiszka et al. 20112011Peer-reviewed journalJeremy KiszkaJeremy Kiszka
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Using passive acoustic monitoring to assess humpback whale occurrence and breeding activity around La Réunion Island. Ceyrac L.., Barreau E.., Modi A. , Estrade V., Dulau V. 2018. Using passive acoustic monitoring to assess humpback whale occurrence and breeding activity around La Réunion Island. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, Special Issue: 1 /2018: 65-73.Ceyrac et al., 20182018Peer-reviewed journallaura.ceyraclaura.ceyrac
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First insights on spatial and temporal distribution patterns of humpback whales in the breeding ground at Sainte Marie Channel, Madagascar L Trudelle, J-B Charrassin, A Saloma, S Pous, A Kretzschmar & O Adam_x000D_ (2018) First insights on spatial and temporal distribution patterns of humpback whales in the_x000D_ breeding ground at Sainte Marie Channel, Madagascar, African Journal of Marine Science, 40:1,_x000D_ 75-86, DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2018.1445028_x000D_Trudelle et al.20182018Peer-reviewLaurène TrudelleLaurène Trudelle
Link to the journalhabitat use, Indian Ocean, Megaptera novaeangliae, phenology, seasonality pattern, social groups
Identifying Key Demographic Parameters of a Small Island–Associated Population of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Reunion, Indian Ocean). Dulau V., Estrade V. Fayan J. 2017. Identifying Key Demographic Parameters of a Small Island–Associated Population of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Reunion, Indian Ocean). Plos One. 12(6): e0179780 Dulau et al., 20172017Peer-reviewed journalViolaine DulauViolaine Dulau
Link to the journalIndo-Pacific bottlnose Dolphin Tursiops aduncus Abundance survival mark-recapture Robust Design
Continuous movement behavior of humpback whales during the breeding season in the southwest Indian Ocean: on the road again! Dulau V., Pinet P., Geyer Y., Fayan J., Mongin P., Cottarel G., Zerbini A., Cerchio S. 2017. Continuous movement behavior of humpback whales during the breeding season in the southwest Indian Ocean: on the road again! Movement Ecology 5:11. Doi: DOI 10.1186/s40462-017-0101-5 Dulau et al., 20172017Peer-reviewed journalViolaine DulauViolaine Dulau
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Modelling the effects of environmental conditions on the acoustic occurrence and behaviour of Antarctic blue whales Shabangu FW, Yemane D, Stafford KM, Ensor P, Findlay KP (2017) Modelling the effects of environmental conditions on the acoustic occurrence and behaviour of Antarctic blue whales. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0172705. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172705Shabangu et al, 20172017Peer-reviewed journalFannie ShabanguFannie Shabangu
fannie.sha bangu@yah
Link to the journal Balaenoptera musculus, acoustic occurrence, behaviour
Humpback whale “super-groups” – A novel low-latitude feeding behaviour of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Benguela Upwelling System Findlay KP, Seakamela SM, Meÿer MA, Kirkman SP, Barendse J, Cade DE, et al. (2017) Humpback whale “super-groups” – A novel low-latitude feeding behaviour of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Benguela Upwelling System. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0172002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172002_x000D_Findlay et al., 20172017Peer-reviewed journalKen FindlayKen Findlay
Link to the journal Megaptera novaeangliae, feeding behaviour, Benguela Upwelling System
Humppback whale monitoring at Isle Sainte-Marie, Madagascar, and in th Comoros Archipelago (Western Indian Ocean), from 1999 to 2008, based on whale-watching. Vely, M., Bastid, J.J., Perri, M., Mayer, F.X., Rabearisoa, N., Ibrahima, S.M. and Bertrand, N., 2009, July. Year. Humppback whale monitoring at Isle Sainte-Marie, Madagascar, and in th Comoros Archipelago (Western Indian Ocean), from 1999 to 2008, based on whale-watching. In Indian Ocean Cetacean Symposium (pp. 18-20).Vely et al., 20092009
Density, group composition, and encounter rates of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae) in the eastern Comoros archipelago [C2]. Ersts, P.J., Kiszka, J., Vely, M., and Rosenbaum, H.C., 2009. Density, group composition, and encounter rates of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae) in the eastern Comoros archipelago [C2]. J. Cetacean Res. Manag.Ersts et al., 20092009Peer-reviewed journalPeter J. ErstsPeter J. Ersts
Observations of individual humpback whales utilising multiple migratory destinations in the south-western Indian Ocean. Ersts, P.J., Pomilla, C., Kiszka, J., Cerchio, S., Rosenbaum, H.C., Vély, M., Razafindrakoto, Y., Loo, J.A., Leslie, M.S. and Avolio, M., 2011. Observations of individual humpback whales utilising multiple migratory destinations in the south-western Indian Ocean. African Journal of Marine Science, 33(2), pp.333-338.Ersts et al., 20112011Peer-reviewed journalPeter J. ErstsPeter J. Ersts
Link to the journal conservation, genetics, Indian Ocean sanctuary, mark-recapture, Megaptera novaeangliae, microsatellite, migration, photo-identification
Humpback whales identified in the territorial waters of Mayotte [C2] and matches to eastern Madagascar [C3]. Ersts, P.J., Pomilla, C., Rosenbaum, H.C., Kiszka, J. and Vély, M., 2006. Humpback whales identified in the territorial waters of Mayotte [C2] and matches to eastern Madagascar [C3]. Document IWC: SC A, 6._x000D_Ersts et al., 2006 (IWC report)2006IWC report  
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Population structure of humpback whales from their breeding grounds in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Rosenbaum HC, Pomilla C, Mendez M, Leslie MS, Best PB, et al. (2009) Population Structure of Humpback Whales from Their Breeding Grounds in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7318.Rosenbaum et al., 20092009Peer-reviewed journalHoward RosenbaumHoward Rosenbaum
Link to the journalMegaptera novaeangliae, Population Structure 
First description of a humpback whale wintering ground in Baie d'Antongil, Madagascar. Rosenbaum, H.C., Walsh, P.D., Razafindrakoto, Y., Vely, M. and Desalle, R., 1997. First description of a humpback whale wintering ground in Baie d'Antongil, Madagascar. Conservation Biology, 11(2), pp.308-314.Rosenbaum et al., 19971997Peer-reviewed journal
Preliminary account of cetacean diversity and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) group characteristics around the Union of the Comoros (Mozambique Channel)  Kiszka, J., Vely, M. and Breysse, O., 2010. Preliminary account of cetacean diversity and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) group characteristics around the Union of the Comoros (Mozambique Channel). Mammalia, 74(1), pp.51-56.Kiszka et al., 20102010Jérémy KiszkaJérémy Kiszka
Link to the journal cetaceans; diversity; group characteristics; humpback whale; Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary; Megaptera novaeangliae; Union of the Comoros
Short Note: Observation of a Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Birth in the Coastal Waters of Sainte Marie Island, Madagascar. Faria, M.A., DeWeerdt J., Pace F., and Mayer, FX., (2013). Short Note: Observation of a Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Birth in the Coastal Waters of Sainte Marie Island, Madagascar. Aquatic Mammals, 39(3), 296–305. et al., 20132013Short note
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Aspects of habitat use of Stenella longirostris and Tursiops aduncus within the Dolphin Watching zone on the West Coast of Mauritius  Cadinouche A, Webster I, & Cockcroft V. Aspects of habitat use of Stenella longirostris and Tursiops aduncus within the Dolphin Watching zone on the West Coast of Mauritius._x000D_Cadinouche et al.   Imogen Webster Imogen Webster 
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Abundance of the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus off south-west Mauritius Webster I, Cockcroft VG & Cadinouche A (2014): Abundance of the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus off south-west Mauritius, African Journal of Marine Science 36(3). DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2014.946448Webster et al., 20142014Peer-reviewed journalImogen WebsterImogen Webster
Link to the journaldolphin watching, photo-identification, population estimate, residency
Spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris off south-west Mauritius: abundance and residency Webster I, Cockcroft V, Cadinouche A.Spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris off south-west Mauritius: abundance and residency. African Journal of Marine Science 37(1):115-124.DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2015.1017004Webster et al., 20152015Peer-reviewed journal  
Link to the journal Stenella longirostris, Mauritius, abundance, residency
Suivi satellitaire de baleines à bosse dans le Sanctuaire Baleinier de l’Ocean Indien. Fossette S, Vely M. 2011. Suivi satellitaire de baleines à bosse dans le Sanctuaire Baleinier de l’Ocean Indien. Rapport final pour la Fondation Nicolas Hulot. 5p.Fossette & Vély, 2011 (report)2011Other technical reports and reviews
Preliminary comparison of humpback whale photographic identifications indicates connectivity between Reunion (BS C4) and Madagascar (BS C3). Dulau-Drouot, V., Cerchio, S., Jouannet, V., Ersts, P., Fayan, J., Boucaud, V. and Rosenbaum, H. (2011) Preliminary comparison of humpback whale photographic identifications indicates connectivity between Reunion (BS C4) and Madagascar (BS C3). Paper SC/63/SH28 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 2011 (unpublished). 10pp._x000D_Dulau-Drouot et al., 20112011IWC report  
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Incidental catch of marine mammals in the southwest Indian Ocean: a preliminary review. Kiszka, J., Muir, C., Amir, O.A., Drouot-Dulau, V., Poonian, C., Razafindrakoto, Y. and Wambiji, N. (2008) Incidental catch of marine mammals in the southwest Indian Ocean: a preliminary review. Paper SC/60/SM13 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 2008.Kiszka et al., 2008 (IWC)2008IWC report
Indian Ocean Commission report of activity (January 2007-May 2008). Etienne, D., Bonne, G., Drouot-Dulau, V., De Toma Cadinouche, A., Giroux, F. and Razafindrakoto, Y. Indian Ocean Commission report of activity (January 2007-May 2008). Paper SC/60/O15 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 2008. Etienne et al., 2008 (IWC)2008IWC report
Cetaceans in the southwest Indian Ocean : a review of diversity, distribution and conservation issues. Kiszka, J., Berggren, P., Rosenbaum, H.C., Cerchio, S., Rowat, D., Drouot-Dulau, V., Razafindrakoto, Y., Vely, M., Guissamulo, A. (2009). Cetaceans in the southwest Indian Ocean : a review of diversity, distribution and conservation issues. Paper SC/61/O18 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 2009. Kiszka et al., 2009 (IWC)2009IWC report
A First description of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia) movements between breeding grounds in the Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary. International Whaling Commission Fossette S, Heide-Jorgensen MP, Vely M, Villum Jensen M, Bertrand N. 2012. A First description of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia) movements between breeding grounds in the Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary. International Whaling Commission. Report of the Scientific Committee. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 14 (suppl.). SC/64/SH3Fossette et al., 2012 (IWC)2012IWC report
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) post breeding dispersal and southward migration in the western Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Fossette S, Heide-Jorgensen MP, Villum Jensen M, Kiszka J, Bérubé M, Bertrand N, Vely M. 2013. Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) post breeding dispersal and southward migration in the western Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary. International Whaling Commission. Report of the Scientific Committee. SC/65a/SH02. Fossette et al., 2013 (IWC)2013IWC report
Cetacean diversity off La Réunion Island (France) Dulau-Drouot, V., Boucaud, V. & Rota, B. (2008) Cetacean diversity off La Réunion Island (France). Journal of Marine Biology Association of UK, 88(6): 1263–1272. et al., 20082008Peer-reviewed journalViolaine Dulau-DrouotViolaine Dulau-Drouot
Link to the journalcetacean, diversity, distribution, Indian Ocean
Occurence and residency pattern of humpback whale in Reunion Island (France) during 2004-2010 Dulau-Drouot V., Fayan J., Mouysset L., Boucaud V. (2012). Occurence and residency pattern of humpback whale in Reunion Island (France) during 2004-2010. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 12(2): 255-263_x000D_Dulau-Drouot et al., 20122012Peer-reviewed journalViolaine Dulau-DrouotViolaine Dulau-Drouot
Humpback whale; Indian Ocean; Breeding ground; Residency pattern; Photo-ID; Survey-vessel
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) post breeding dispersal and southward migration in the western Indian Ocean Fossette S, Heide-Jorgensen MP, Villum Jensen, M, Kiszka J, Bérubé M, Bertrand N, Vely M. 2014. Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) post breeding dispersal and southward migration in the western Indian Ocean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 450, 6-14. Fossette et al., 20142014Peer-reviewed journalSabrina FossetteSabrina Fossette
Link to the journalMarine mammals; Migration; Satellite telemetry; Connectivity; Antarctica; International Whaling Commission
Habitat availability and geographic isolation as potential drivers of population structure in an oceanic dolphin in the southwest Indian Ocean Viricel A. Simon-Bouhet B., Ceyrac L., Dulau-Drouot V., Berggren P., Amir O.A. Jiddawi N.J., Mongin P., Kiszka J. 2016. Habitat availability and geographic isolation as potential drivers of population structure in an oceanic dolphin in the southwest Indian Ocean. Marine Biology 163: 219. _x000D_ _x000D_Viricel et al., 20162016Peer-reviewed journalJérémy KiszkaJérémy Kiszka
Link to the journalStenella longirostris, population structure, Habitat availability, geographic isolation 
Spatial variation in shark-inflicted injuries to Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) of the southwestern Indian Ocean Heithaus, M. R., Kiszka, J. J., Cadinouche, A., Dulau-Drouot, V., Boucaud, V., Pérez-Jorge, S. and Webster, I. (2016), Spatial variation in shark-inflicted injuries to Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) of the southwestern Indian Ocean. Mar Mam Sci. doi:10.1111/mms.12346_x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_Heithaus et al., 20162016Peer-reviewed journalMichael R. HeithausMichael R. Heithaus
Link to the journal Tursiops aduncus, shark-inflicted injuries
Contrasted accumulation patterns of persistent organic pollutants and mercury in sympatric tropical dolphins from the south-western Indian Ocean. Dirtu A.C., Malarvannan G., Das K., Dulau-Drouot V., Kiszka J., Lepoint G., Mongin P., Covaci A. 2016. Contrasted accumulation patterns of persistent organic pollutants and mercury in sympatric tropical dolphins from the south-western Indian Ocean. Environmental Research, 146: 263-273. _x000D_Dirtu et al., 20162016Peer-reviewed journalAdrian CovaciAdrian Covaci
Link to the journalPOPs; Hg; stable isotopes; La Réunion; Stenella longirostris; Tursiops aduncus
Linking pollutant exposure of humpback whales breeding in the Indian Ocean to their feeding habits and feeding areas off Antarctica. Das K., Malarvannan G., Dirtu A., Dulau V., Dumont M., Lepoint G., Mongin P., Covaci A. 2016. Linking pollutant exposure of humpback whales breeding in the Indian Ocean to their feeding habits and feeding areas off Antarctica. Environmental Pollution. 220:1090-1099. _x000D_Das et al., 20162016Peer-reviewed journalKrishna DasKrishna Das
Link to the journalBaleen whale; Persistent organic pollutants; Stable isotopes; Reunion Island; Indian Ocean
Habitat selection of two island-associated dolphin species from the south-west Indian Ocean. Condet M. & Dulau-Drouot V. 2016. Habitat selection of two island-associated dolphin species from the south-west Indian Ocean. Continental Shelf Research, 125: 18-27. & Dulau-Drouot, 20162016Peer-reviewed journalViolaine Dulau-DrouotViolaine Dulau-Drouot
Link to the journalTursiops aduncus; Stenella longirostris; Coastal habitat; Indian Ocean
Influence of environmental parameters on movements and habitat utilization of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Madagascar breeding ground. Trudelle L, Cerchio S, Zerbini AN, Geyer Y, Mayer FX, Jung JL, Hervé, MR, Pous S, Sallée JB, Rosenbaum HC, Adam O, and Charrassin JB, 2016. Influence of environmental parameters on movements and habitat utilization of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Madagascar breeding ground. R. Soc. Open sci. 3:160616. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160616_x000D_Trudelle et al., 20162016Peer-reviewed journalLaurène TrudelleLaurène Trudelle
Link to the journalhumpback whales; satellite telemetry; Madagascar; movement patterns; environmental parameters; habitat use
Marine mammals around the Union of the Comoros (Mozambique Channel): recent records and review of available information. Kiszka, J., Breysse, O., Boinali, K. and Vely, M., 2006. Marine mammals around the Union of the Comoros (Mozambique Channel): recent records and review of available information. Report SC/58/O6 submitted to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission.Kiszka et al., 2006 (IWC report)2006IWC report  
 Indian Ocean, breeding grounds
Satellite tagging of humpback whales off Madagascar reveals long range movements of individuals in the Southwest Indian Ocean during the breeding season Cerchio S, Trudelle L, Zerbini A, Geyer Y, Mayer FX, Charrassin JB, Jung JL, Adam O, and Rosenbaum HC. Satellite tagging of humpback whales off Madagascar reveals long range movements of individuals in the Southwest Indian Ocean during the breeding season. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 562: 193–209. doi: 10.3354/meps11951 Cerchio et al., 20162016Peer-reviewed journalSalvatore CerchioSalvatore Cerchio
Link to the journalHumpback whales · Satellite telemetry · Madagascar · Breeding behavior · Movement patterns · Population structure