The Consortium’s first and current Executive Committee is made up of the Steering Committee. The next Executive Committee will be created in 2017. It is responsible for tending to memberships, reviewing and coordinating Consortium activities, facilitating external relations, and writing and distributing an annual activity report.
Violaine Dulau, Ph.D.
Research director, Globice
My PhD was dedicated to sperm whale ecology in the Mediterranean Sea and addressed a wide range of topics related to the species’ distribution, social structure, diving and acoustic behavior, and population genetics.
Salvatore Cerchio, Ph.D.
Marine biologist, New England Aquarium
I have been studying cetaceans for 36 years around the world. I have been working in Madagascar since 2004, studying cetaceans from humpback whales to coastal dolphins to Omura’s whales.
Prof. Ken Findlay
Research Chair: Oceans Economy, Cape Peninsula Univ. of Technology
I am currently the Research Chair: Oceans Economy at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town, South Africa and previously directed the MRI Whale Unit of The University of Pretoria.
Sabrina Fossette, Ph.D.
Scientific advisor, Megaptera
I have been Megaptera’s scientific advisor since 2009. I have a PhD in behavioral and movement ecology. For the past 15 years, I have been working on a range of marine species such as humpback whales, sperm whales …
Claire Garrigue, Ph.D.
Marine biologist, Opération Cétacés
The goal of my work is to determine the population status of humpback whales that over-winter in the lagoons of New Caledonia. The field methodology for this long-term study (now running for over 18 years) is based on photo-identification.
Anjara Saloma
PhD Student, Antananarivo Univ., Paris-Sud Orsay Univ., Cétamada
I have been working for marine mammal research and conservation programs in Madagascar since 2011. I am involved in scientific research programs (tagging, acoustic studies, photo-identification) and in all programs related to community-based development.
Alexandre Zerbini, Ph.D.
Marine biologist, NOAA
I have been studying marine mammals since 1992. I studied taxonomy of southern minke whale species while a masters student in Brazil. I pursued a Ph.D. at the University of Washington and graduated in 2006.