Accès membre


The creation of the IndoCet Consortium dates back to November 2014. At that time, Globice Réunion was organizing a regional workshop for the restitution and valorization of satellite tracking data of humpback whales in the framework of its research program MIROMEN (MIgration ROutes of MEgaptera Novaeangliae). IndoCet was created to pursue and structure this collaboration over time with the main cetacean study and conservation organizations in the southwestern Indian Ocean.

Among the issues that the Consortium intended to address were :

This workshop allowed in particular :

1. The gathering of all the researchers working on the migratory monitoring of humpback whales in the SOOI and the presentation of the main results obtained within the framework of the various projects;

2. Data sharing: existing metadata and migratory routes were shared and a draft convention was prepared for further sharing;

3. The definition of management and/or conservation issues to which the telemetric monitoring results can respond;

4. The definition of 7 common scientific publications and lead authors for a regional analysis of the data;

5. The creation of a consortium for research on cetaceans in the southwestern Indian Ocean.